Kamis, 06 Agustus 2009


I don't know what's the best title for this blog.

It's not a happy story.
So many things that I wanna tell you.

Last monday, I said everything was so special. But on the next days, school's very freak. The only things that I think is good is for the first time I got 75 for science examination! WHAT A SHIT SCORE! lol! Just kidding about the "shit". I'm very happy. Yay! once again I told you it's my first time having good mark for science!
And the second, I WILL BE A TABLE TENNIS ATHLETE!! whoaa. Another yay for me :]

Hmm...what else ya?
oh, almost forgot about this. There'll be a fasting breaking party with my previous school year classmates. To be honest, I really wanted to join it. But, I'm not sure with my wallet condition :[
Poor I am!
That's not the only reason. Another reason is because there's a "DRAMA QUEEN" who always makes all problem like a drama. I just call her "DRAMA QUEEN" but one of my besties call her "BIATCH"
Hahahahaha :D
Very lucky, girl if you read this!

I'm so jealous seeing my friends who are in a relationship. Not only me, but so does my bestie. We really have crushes who don't care about us, but we really expect them ;[

Anyway, I'm gonna tell you something about,,umm.. fasting breaking party.
There's a fasting breaking party on 29th of August..heheh masih lama yee*
O. M. G (yang udah nonton the clique baca nya versi messie block deh)
eh eh, masa kan gue ga jadi ikutan masa di musuhin di cuekin gitu!
ahhh kesel gue, padahal gue kan lagi ngirit buat nabung nonton konser Paramore..
Parah banget kan..yang kagak ikut di cuekin semua ama yang pada lagi punya duit banyak..
ahh nasib!

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